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Interface SessionRunner<T>

Type Parameters:
T - the type of the result of the executed code. If no result is returned this type should be Void
All Known Implementing Classes:
BaseSessionRunner, DefaultSessionRunner, RetrySessionRunner

public interface SessionRunner<T>

The SessionRunner interface should be implemented for code that runs in a session context.

See Also:
DefaultSessionRunner, RetrySessionRunner, BaseSessionRunner

Method Summary
 T execute(Object... arguments)
          A call to execute starts a new session and executes some code in a transactional context.

Method Detail


T execute(Object... arguments)
          throws SystemException
A call to execute starts a new session and executes some code in a transactional context. If an exception is thrown by the executed code the transaction is rolled back otherwise it is commited.

arguments - arguments that are passed to the executed code
the result of the executed code
SystemException - thrown if an unexpected error occured

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