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Class OracleDialect

  extended by sf.qof.dialect.OracleDialect
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class OracleDialect
extends Object
implements SQLDialect

Implements Oracle specific SQL syntax.

Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 String getLimitString(String sql, boolean hasOffset)
          Returns a modified SQL select statement that allows limiting the number of rows returned.
 boolean limitAddOffset()
          Returns true if the offset needs to be added to maximum number of rows.
 boolean limitOffsetFirst()
          Returns true if the offset parameter is in front of the maximum number of rows parameter.
 boolean limitParametersBeforeQueryParameters()
          Returns true is the parameters to set the maximum number of rows and optionally the offset are the first parameters in the prepared select statement.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public OracleDialect()
Method Detail


public String getLimitString(String sql,
                             boolean hasOffset)
Description copied from interface: SQLDialect
Returns a modified SQL select statement that allows limiting the number of rows returned. This is used to implement paging.

If hasOffset is true the SQL select statement that is returned must allow to set an offset as well as the number of rows.

Specified by:
getLimitString in interface SQLDialect
sql - the select SQL statement
hasOffset - true is an offset should be set
the modified SQL statement
See Also:
Paging, SQLDialect.limitParametersBeforeQueryParameters(), SQLDialect.limitAddOffset(), SQLDialect.limitOffsetFirst()


public boolean limitParametersBeforeQueryParameters()
Description copied from interface: SQLDialect
Returns true is the parameters to set the maximum number of rows and optionally the offset are the first parameters in the prepared select statement. This is used to implement paging.

Specified by:
limitParametersBeforeQueryParameters in interface SQLDialect
true if limitation parameters are before the query parameters


public boolean limitAddOffset()
Description copied from interface: SQLDialect
Returns true if the offset needs to be added to maximum number of rows. This is used to implement paging.

Specified by:
limitAddOffset in interface SQLDialect
true if offset and maximum number of rows need to added


public boolean limitOffsetFirst()
Description copied from interface: SQLDialect
Returns true if the offset parameter is in front of the maximum number of rows parameter. This is used to implement paging.

Specified by:
limitOffsetFirst in interface SQLDialect
true if offset is set first

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