Author: Renato Brunella
This tutorial demonstrates how SQL in-clauses work in QueryObjectFactory. The parameters for in-clauses get passed in as arrays. The example uses an employee/department relationship.
You can find the source code in the
Code Repository
in the sf.qof.tutorial.inclause
package. | Contains the main method. | | An immutable currency object. | | An employee bean. | | A cache for departements. | | An immutable department object. | | A custom mapping adapter for departments. | | Database setup. |
Make sure you built the tutorial jar using Ant.
java -cp dist/qof-tutorial-1.0.0.jar;lib/qof-1.0.0.jar;lib/cglib-2.1_3.jar;lib/asm-1.5.3.jar;lib/hsqldb.jar sf.qof.tutorial.inclause.EmployeeRepositoryExample
to run the example (replace ; with : on Unix based systems).
Alternatively under Windows you can use the run.bat
batch file:
run.bat sf.qof.tutorial.inclause.EmployeeRepositoryExample
The DatabaseSetup
class creates two tables DEPARTMENT and EMPLOYEE and inserts six department
records and create 100 random employees. Each employee belongs to one department.
class uses the Singleton pattern. During initialization it reads all rows from the DEPARTMENT table
and caches the Department
objects in a map. It uses the DepartmentDao
query definition
private interface DepartmentDao extends BaseQuery { @Query(sql = "select code {string%%1,%%*}, name {string%%2} from department") Map<String, Department> retrieveDepartments() throws SQLException; }
class provides the findDepartment(String code)
and getDepartments()
methods to find and list Department
The main
method in EmployeeRepositoryExample
prints a list of all departments and asks the
user to input a comma-separated list of department code. It then creates a string array of department codes and uses
it as a parameter for the getEmployeesByDepartment
defined in EmployeeDao
query definition
QueryObjectFactory supports parameters in SQL in-clauses like "where department_code in ({%1})
through Java arrays. It creates a prepared statement with as many SQL parameters as there are elements in the
For example if there are three strings in the departmentCodes
array it creates a SQL statement
with three SQL parameters ("where department_code in (?,?,?)
") and bind the values in the array to the parameters.
also uses a mapping adapter to map between department_code
column and
objects. The DepartmentAdapter
class is responsible for this.
implements the DynamicMappingAdapter
The get
method is responsible to map a SQL column in a result set to an Department
object. The adapter uses the DepartmentCache
singleton to map a department code to a Department
The set
method is responsible to map a Department
object to a prepared statment.
A special tutorial will give more infomation on how to write custom adapters.